"It was a real pleasure to collaborate with RJP team. It was a nurturing interaction for me in many respects. I am happy that they felt as comfortable as I did. I hope we will have the ote-ultepportunity to meet at international events once Covid conditions are over."
Nilüfer Erdem, Training Analyst, Member of Psike Istanbul (IPA Component Society), Editor of Annuals of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis
February 2021
“I had the pleasure to review articles for the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis.The articles that I read were all very interesting. I was impressed by the deep psychoanalytical thoughts and the richness of the clinical cases. I enjoyed reading them very much. I am sure that they will inspire your psychoanalytic thoughts and work."
Yael Samuel, Training Analyst- Israel Psychoanalytic Society, Clinical Psychologist
February 2021
“I value the ability of the team, the joy even to establish connections between authors, researchers, and colleagues.”
Daniela Luca
Doctor in Psychoanalysis - Univ. Paris VII, Training Analyst - SRP-IPA, President ARFPP-AG
February 2021
“I would like to endorse the Romanian Psychoanalytical Journal which I consider an excellent publication. I wrote in the RPP and was honored to be invited to review several of the papers. I recommend it warmly.”
Marilia Aisenstein, Paris Psychoanalytical Society, Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society
February 2021
“Collaborating with peer-reviewed journals, or more specifically, the interactions with the people behind them, usually fade from memory quickly. They are a kind of "non-place" of human interactions, areas of sanitized intellectual transit, where you are relieved to have made it past peer reviews, recommendations, feedback regarding tone, evaluations of your skill, and so on.My experience with the "Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis" does not fit this pattern at all. There aren’t many peer-reviewed journals with an impeccable reputation in the academic community which go beyond this intellectual transaction. There is an elegance here, reminiscent of the lost and stimulating tradition of humanism. As if the purveyors of scientific papers were people… ”
Alice Popescu, Lecturer Phd, Titu Maiorescu UniversityUniversity of Bucharest.
February 2021
“It has been a really interesting period to work with the RJP team, as a reviewer. The articles have always been refreshing and thoughts-provoking. So I have learnt a lot and I have often wondered how the rather small and relatively young Romanian Association has been able to publish such a high-quality journal. You have done excellent work. Congratulations!”
Ilpo Lahti, Adjunct professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oulu, Finland
February 2021
Narcissism continues to pose a significant challenge in the realm of psychoanalysis. In this collection of articles, authors delve into the distinction between primary narcissism, characterized by a primitive world devoid of objects, and secondary narcissism, marked by the internalization of the object. They explore the influence of the environment in fostering secondary narcissism, the intricate connection between narcissism ... Read more
The theme of this issue is anchored in the disorientation and the lack of possibility for a prognosis regarding the evolution of the current socio-political context. The psychoanalytic perspective on reality, as revealed in the articles published in this issue, seeks to explain on-going phenomena and thereby reduce the disorientation felt on a social level. Even though war no longer dominates the majority of news space, even t ... Read more
The theme of this issue is closely linked to the current socio-political context, namely the issue of war. War, like any conflict, brings along with it the death drive and its manifestations of destructiveness, aggression and hatred. The traumatic consequences of the experience of war affect the psychological functioning of the individual. Those directly involved in the conflict are not the only to suffer, as those who feel th ... Read more
Thematically, this issue of the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis is the continuation of the previous issue’s works, with both issues being subsumed under the heading Groups and Institutions. In this issue, the authors analyse the group and the institution as actors of psychological life, questioning the functioning of the small group in the parent-child or analyst-analysand relationship, the collective groupality of the to ... Read more
The events we have experienced in recent years at a global level have led us to think and feel differently than in times of relative stability and relative peace. This “other” has called for a revision of the representation of the human condition along the fundamental dual dimensions that define it from a psychoanalytic point of view: subjectivity-otherness, Eros-Thanatos. The pandemic, as a borderline existential event, r ... Read more
The main direction of the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis’ current issue could have as its goal thinking as a whole, the ineffability that is created before the emotional bond of the therapeutic alliance and has its roots in the very concept of resonance, from unconscious to unconscious, analytical function and auxiliary mind. To build as a whole with your patient, for your patient, in his place, to fill in gaps of emotio ... Read more
No. 1/2021 of the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis proposes the topic of fraternal relations as the main topic of debate, with all the implications and vicissitudes that appear within such relationships, both at the intrapsychic level and at the inter-relational level. Along with the works that focus on fraternal relations, within the Journal you will find other extremely interesting topics that we hope will capture your att ... Read more
The articles presented in the 2/2020 issue of the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis continue the theme of THE SECRET, begun in this year’s first issue.
This number of the RJP, the second part of volume XII, will continue the subject of this year – „The Archaic”, and marks a turning point in the Journal’s history. Matei Georgescu, our Managing Director, appears confident that his "offspring" will manage well enough in the future and passes the managerial task on to Gianina Micu. In his farewell speech he plays a real game with "beads of meaning" to also convey, in this ... Read more
This Issue of the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis brings forth a long-standing, topic, yet still prevalent and provocative: The Archaic. As you will come to realize, by reading the articles of the Journal many aspects and perspectives on Archaic are opened and elaborated under your eyes.
This issue of the Romanian Journal of Psychonalaysis (RJP) is a legitimate sequel of the previous issue, dedicated to the same theme: The Authentic. What I found beyond ordinary and I provoke you to find it also by reading the articles of this issue is the surprising quality of the Authentic.
Here we find ourselves with the first issue of a new decade, following the ten-year anniversary of the Journal’s founding.
Rejoicing at the support offered by the Journal’s founders, the feedback from our readers strengthens our belief in the future existence of the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis (RJP) and the serious and dedicated work of its team, contributing to the promotion of written psychoanalysis.
The contexts of history lie within generational and lineage dimensions. This is why we will first submit to your attention a few historical coordinates that have led to the the contents of the current issue.
In the Communist era, psychology in general and psychoanalysis in particular were banned. The Institute of Psychology was closed and university study programmes were discontinued. Some professors and researchers in the fie ... Read more
Problematica identității pare că se așază pe un curs similar, încât, bine cunoscută, lasă lucrurile în nespusul lor aproape întotdeauna. Identitatea se extrage definiției imediate, precum timpul din Confesiunile lui Augustin: dacă nu întrebăm despre ea, știm ce este, dar dacă întrebăm, alunecă în necunoscut, iar asta pentru că identitatea alunecă precum timpul, acesta din urmă fiind un factor fundamenta ... Read more
This second issue of 2016 facilitates communication between that which is part of the clinic and the technique on one hand, and clinical research and psychoanalytical theory on the other.
A dialogue on limits and boundaries, created within and between the articles, which evokes the infinitesimal limits of the detail, either bound by the confines of early mental life observed in minute detail or, maintaining the prehistory of ... Read more
Therefore, the section Theoretical and clinical psychoanalysis, unmodified, follows the topic of this year’s first issue - Impasse, crisis and working-through, connecting this issue with the series of articles previously published. I would like to add a personal comment to what was already said in the previous editorial regarding the topic of impasse and working-through, a comment that is appropriate for this celebration of ... Read more
This article is available in French only.
Un des points d’intérêt majeur de la psychanalyse a été et est toujours le rêve. De nombreuses discussions et disputes dans le champ de la psychanalyse se sont tissées autour du rêve.
With respect to the idea of pluralism in psychoanalysis, a theme broadlydebated in the psychoanalytic scientific community, a subject of more orless rich controversies between the representatives of variouspsychoanalytic movements, I would subscribe to the opinion according towhich it has its origin in no other than Sigmund Freud’s way of thinking(Ghunter, Perdigao, 2007), him being himself preoccupied with extractinghis obs ... Read more
Dans son livre La Construction de l’espace psychanalytique, SergeViderman nous a decrit la relation transfert – contre-transfert par unemetaphore eclaircissante sur la part obscure de notre espace psychique:≪Imaginons deux phares tournant en sens inverse et dont les feux secoupent periodiquement. C’est lorsque transfert et contre-transferts’entrecroisent que se situent les moments de la plus grande brillance. Moments ... Read more
This article is available in French only. Ce nouveau numero de la Revue Roumaine de Psychanalyse accueilledans ses pages une serie d’ouvrages interessants sinon significatifs par leurapproche variee d’un sujet qui anime plusieurs etudes et rapports cliniqueset scientifiques de la psychanalyse actuelle. De grandes personnalites dumonde de la psychanalyse signent la contribution au sujet, donnant de lavaleur a la publication ... Read more
18 years have passed since the issue of the first publication of theRomanian Society of Psychoanalysis, called Psychoanalysis Bulletin. If theprinceps vocation of a publication is to reflect the group that initiated it,then the shift from its compact form of “bulletin” to the current one of“journal” implicitly takes us back to the historic years of Romania’spsychoanalysis “coming of age”.
Since I have been invited to this Conference as Chair of the Sponsoring Committee (S.C.) of the Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis Study Group I want to say only a few words of introduction about this Committee2. It is composed of a small number of I.P.A. (International Psychoanalytic Association) members who are appointed by I.P.A. to represent and act on its behalf in a given Country, where an original nucleus of at least fo ... Read more