EDITORIAL / Anatoli Eduard Reghintovschi
Abstract: Problematica identității pare că se așază pe un curs similar, încât, bine cunoscută, lasă lucrurile în nespusul lor aproape întotdeauna. Identitatea se extrage definiției imediate, precum timpul din Confesiunile lui Augustin: dacă nu întrebăm despre ea, știm ce este, dar dacă întrebăm, alunecă în necunoscut, iar asta pentru că identitatea alunecă precum timpul, acesta din urmă fiind un factor fundamental al identității, evident neluând în seamă faptul că ambele se sustrag atât de bine definiției.
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Abstract: Interesting from a psychoanalytic point of view..., a formula that incites, that challenges us intellectually, even more so, as the phrase belongs to a novelist, who doesn’t even use it in relation to the main character. On the other hand, it is a phrase that incites all the more so as it makes a direct reference to the truth ... but which truth are we referring to? What truth can be interesting from a psychoanalytic point of view? Perhaps we should ask ourselves further from which psychoanalytic point of view...
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Abstract: This paper sheds light on the connections between the exploration of psychic truth and identity construction, going through the processes of historicization and affectivation, specific to the analytic process. The main theoretical setting revolves around the view of M. de M’Uzan on the archaic beginnings of identity formation. As metaphorical illustration, the evolution of a character from the novel Group Portrait with Lady by Heinrich Böll is set forth.
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Keywords: truth, lie, confusion, identity, history, affect
Abstract: Firstly, Veronica Șandor tells us that psychic suffering is a sign of a potential identity rupture. In other words, identity is a prerequisite for the emotional balance, therefore identity disruptions cause psychic suffering.
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Abstract: The paper discusses the role of arbitrariness in identity formation and its implications for pPsychoanalytic research. Throughout the history of pPsychoanalysis starting with Freud, clinical findings have rarely been subjected to formal validation; this has impacted the processes of defensive group identity formation
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Keywords: witting arbitrariness, identity, research, transmission, science, validation
Abstract: I have chosen to explore the identity of contemporary western couples by taking a twofold approach, sociological and pPsychoanalytic. Starting from issues surrounding the historicity of the very notion of couple, I first propose my personal view, which constitutes an initial, theoretical, identity construction. Then, I look at a major attribute of the identity of any couple, its culture, which proceeds from work, couple work, just as conjugal functioning as a whole does. Third, I explore the singular identity of contemporary western couples through their essential characteristics, both psychological and sociological, which leads me to questions about contemporary society on the basis of certain aspects proper to it. Finally, from the perspective of the investigation of certain processes at work in the construction of their conjugal identity, I present a contemporary couple experiencing suffering, Martine and Louis.
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Keywords: identity, couple, contemporary, society, culture, couple, work
Abstract: Arbitrariness, either a witting or an unwitting one, is a factor that belongs to a mentality, a state of facts that is more common than we would like to be. Maybe it is the most effective vehicle in revolving an unknown by not facing it, yet knowing it is there. Its efficacy becomes plain in looking at its endurance.
Such a mentality (along with mythical thinking) is detrimental to any scientific endeavours, and that for many reasons. One simple reason would be: how would we change or modify a reality for a better one if we do not get to it in the first place?
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Abstract: Intimate loving relationships, in their varying combination of physical and emotional components, reflect the infinite variety of human beings: their personal qualities, their past experiences, the culture in which they have grown up, their fantasy lives…
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Abstract: Freud relates the Oedipal conflict to neurosis and the phallic stage, while melancholy would be characterized by the choice of the narcissistic object and by a fixation in the oral stage according to Abraham, and to the expulsive anal stage.
This text intends to demonstrate that, in the sometimes unrestrained search of the love of the absent or dead person, melancholy restrains even a taboo and faces any interdiction of the superego, in the attempt of excluding once and for all the rival parent in the search of a macabre incest.
The search of this funeral wedding is sometimes associated with a poorly scarred body wound, which is visible at the level of the first name, like in the case of Oedipus, Sigmund, Dionysus or Sylvie.
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Keywords: Oedipus’ complex, melancholy, mania, narcissism, mourning
Abstract: Identity is not a pPsychoanalytic concept. We find this term in different approaches - sociological, cultural, ethnic, historical, economical, scientific, philosophical, but also in certain concerns and worries related to global situation of our time: migration of individuals, migration of cultural, political, religious values, identity transformation, changes of pathology.
We are challenged by all these transformations, as communities and individuals, we are called as professionals to understand and heal the new changes, configurations or borderlands (intermediate states).
Identity is not a pPsychoanalytic concept... And still...
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Keywords: identity, fals self, impostor, snob, identification, ‘“as if”personalityif’ personality
Abstract: 2017 is an anniversary year. We celebrate 10 years of Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis (RJP), a milestone in a hopefully enduring and meritorious endeavour.
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Abstract: In Oedipus Rex, Sophocles builds a whole plot based on something well known by everyone at that time, and we may say that it is still well known. Thus, this something remains unsaid in the play. The question of the Sphinx has this quality – namely, it is well known by everybody so it can allow itself to remain unuttered.
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12 - Portraits / ILANY KOGAN
Abstract: For the last 36 years I have worked extensively with Holocaust survivors’ offspring, and have published and presented many papers and several books on this topic (see bellow the List of Publications). They focus on the transmission of trauma from Holocaust survivors to the following generations, and describe my approach to the understanding and treatment of these patients. The books were translated into several languages, as they are relevant to many countries in which the population has experienced persecution and trauma.
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Abstract: The papers published in the ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS have undergone editorial screening and anonymous double-blind peer-review. They may be reviewed by the Editors, Editorial Office staff and assigned peer reviewers unless otherwise permitted by the authors.
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Abstract: ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS receives original articles for publication (in electronic or printed form, in English, French or Romanian) about any psychoanalytic theme. When submitting an article, the author must confirm that the paper has not been published elsewhere and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part, and is intended for sole publication in the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis.
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