Volume VIII, no. 1 - 2015 (17)

Rita Teodoru, Editorial / Rita Teodoru

Abstract: Continuing the series of major themes in psychoanalysis, this issue of the Journal is dedicated to the impasse.Read more

Keywords: fara

1 - Bogdan Sebastian Cuc, L'impasse de l'élaboration dans la présence de l'actuel / Bogdan Sebastian Cuc

Abstract: The intrusion of the psychoanalytical settings by the actual brings about a deadlock of the elaboration and of the psychoanalytical process. How are overcome these moments and especially what it means to overcome those moments and continue the development of the psychoanalytical process is a challenge that has no solution, but rather a series of testimonials of essays that allows the psychoanalysts to access various forms of understanding, which, in my opinion, are depending on their own experiences unelaborated or impossible to be elaborated. Addressing this issue is especially important when clinical material contains elements of potentially traumatic experiences, experienced collectively by the community of which the analyst and the patient are together part of. It’s there a possibility for the psychoanalytical process to offer solution in elaborating those realities? Read more

Keywords: actual neurosis, mourning, acting, trauma, elaborating the trauma, time, space, archaic experiences

2 - Daniela Luca, Élaborer l’impasse, l’échec et la réaction thérapeutique négative dans l’analyse des patients narcissiques / Savca Victor

Abstract: 100 years of narcissism in psycho- analysis – respective of Sigmund Freud’s “On Narcissism. An Intro- duction”, and other decades of clinical and theoretical thinking, decades marked by Herbert Rosenfeld, Heinz Kohut, Otto Kernberg, André Green, Jean Bergeret, Catherine Chabert, René Roussillon, among others. 100 years configuring the matrix of working on the impasses, disruptions in treatment, analytical errors, on the nature of nega- tive therapeutic reactions, and which requires a rearrangement of the prin- ciples and working rules, a rethinking of the psychoanalytic technique and ethics, a re-elaboration of the counter- transference; and also of what is meaning now the “internal supervisor” position, such that the different faces of Narcissus today can be analysed with few or rare disappointments, both of the patient and the analyst. After a prerequisite return to Freud and the fundamentals of psychoanalysis, the author proposes not only a reconsi- deration of the theory and of the clinic of narcissistic patients in contemporary psychoanalysis, but also some brief references to film, literature and pain- ting, for highlighting the topic proposed for debate. Read more

Keywords: narcissistic-identitary pole, narcissistic transference / countertrans- ference, Grandiose Self, narcissistic vulnerability, Ego Ideal, Ideal Ego

3 - Françoise Coblence, Rêve, échange interanalytique et fin de traitement / Savca Victor

Abstract: Within a free analysis in an institution, the termination of the treatment can prove to be difficult to accomplish. Based on a clinical sequence, I would like to point out how a dream and the inter-analytic exchange around its interpretation have allowed for re- launching the process of elaboration and leaving behind the impasse, as well as the risk of an interminable analysis. Read more

Keywords: dream, inter-analytic ex- change, working-through end of analysis

4 - François Richard, Actualité de la méthode fondamentale. Intervention de reconnaissance et fonctionnements limites / Savca Victor

Abstract: In my presentation, I will propose a series of assumptions stemming from my own patient practice and previous research in psychoanalysis. In doing so, I hope to find solutions to situations where I encountered therapeutic impasses in the analytical situation with patients. Beyond the distinctions of neurosis, borderline, psychosis, patients can show their existential difficulties (in other words feeling unable to exist in this world); or, they can demonstrate trouble working through in the analytical pro- cess, with complexities of borderline-like functioning combined with distorted oedipal conflicts.The acknowledgement by the analyst—that is putting a name on the patient’s feelings at the right time, and, within the frame of analytic inter-pretation - can be quite efficient. This introduces the need to reflect on the method of free association. This includes the dimension of handling the dissocia- tive tendencies of the patient, on the condition that the analyst knows how to involve his own free associations with those of his/her patient. The basic method enables the analyst to accom- pany the topical regression which is the peculiarity of the borderline-like func- tionnning, and to avoid the risk of an impasse in treatment where the process stops on an unrepresented trauma. A clinical case will be provided and then discussed. Read more

Keywords: borderline functioning, interpretation,associative-dissociative method, recognition/gratitude

5 - Gianina Micu, The institution – the necessary third party that changes the paradigm of the functioning framework in the professional group / Savca Victor

Abstract: While Westerners - English, Dutch, French, Germans, Italians - live, speak and write about "Hate and Love in Psychoanalytic Institutions" (Jurgen Reeders, 004), about fanaticism, schisms and queries on the apparent decline of psychoanalysis , Easterners - and we among them – having gone through their own historical-political metamorphoses, interrogate and self- interrogate, hopeful, to what extent the psychoanalytic institution can become the necessary and viable third party who will sublimate personal anxieties, narcissistic excesses, envy or hate or just adaptive inabilities, placing them contained in an institutional environment full of respect, able to support the evolution and independence of thought of every practitioner of psychoanalysis. Do we head, with candor and hope, for something that others who had already gone through these stages, seek to overcome, discontent with the proposed solutions? Read more

Keywords: institution, third party, superego, transitional space, sublima- tion, desire for power

6 - Stefano Bolognini, Lysis and crisis in overcoming analytic impasses / Savca Victor

Abstract: In this paper some theoretical and clinical issues are explored, about possible conscious choices and uncon- scious trends of the analyst regarding “solutions by crisis” and “solutions by lysis” in the psychoanalytic treatment. While the “crisis-like” solution is frequently represented in classical psychoanalytic literature through an active interpretative attitude by the analyst, the “lysis-like” option is usually preferred by those analysts who take special care of the relationship between the Ego and the Self of the patient, waiting for a more suitable shared ground for their intervention when it could sound premature. A short clinical story is reported, in order to show the complexity of these issues and a possible analytic technique in special difficult pathologies. Read more

Keywords: crisis, lysis, activ/ passiv, analytic attitude

7 - Andrea Sabbadini, From love to violence / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article focuses on Marius, the protagonist of Everybody in Our Family (Radu Jude, 2012). His personality manifests itself both through his genuine love for his five-year-old daughter Sophia, and through his propensity for suddenly transforming his repressed resentment and conflictual relationship with his ex-wife Otilia into verbal abuse and physical violence. Some attention is also given to the psychological function of a large toy octopus, a present which Marius gives to his daughter, symbolically representing both himself and her. The film, situated somewhere in the transitional space between comedy and family drama, brilliantly illustrates that, especially in the context of unresolved tense interpersonal relationship, toxic emotional states can transform otherwise reasonable adults into unrestrained children, and can easily escalate into domestic violence. Read more

Keywords: father-daughter relationships, dysfunctional families, repressed anger, domestic violence

8 - Marco Conci, “I Started Becoming Myself Here in Munich... Migration, Psychoanalysis and Identity” / Savca Victor

Abstract: The paper centers on the analytic treatment of a doctoral student, conducted in Munich, in the patient’s and the analyst’s common mother tongue. Far away from her family and her native town, the patient could not feel as free and vital as before; through our analytic work, she could also resume the developmental stages she had missed and eventually move towards the condition of an emotionally responsive, sexually active and auto- nomous young woman. In other words, such an analytic work – conducted abroad in the patient’s mother language – was essential in allowing the patient to separate from her family and see herself with her own eyes. Revisiting her “old Italian self” together with the analyst and constructing a “new German self” with the help of her analyst allowed her to become a (healthier) “citizen of the world”. Read more

Keywords: migration, psychoanalysis, identity, common mother language

9 - Eike Hinze, The dialectics of guilt and guilt feelings / Savca Victor

Abstract: Guilt as a moral category is differ- rentiated from feelings of guilt as a psy- chological category. Psychoanalysts study and try to understand feelings of guilt. The author compares evolutionary and psychoanalytical concepts of the super-ego. In the analysis with an elderly woman with many traumatic events in her life history, different aspects of guilt and feelings of guilt are studied. Confusing the different levels of guilt and guilt feelings is mainly a sign of countertransferential involvement. Because of the persecutory flavour of guilt feelings it is proposed to formulate as an ultimate goal of analysis the recognition of one’s responsibility in contrast with feeling guilty. Read more

Keywords: guilt, feelings of guilt, sentiments, evolutionary theory, responsibility

11 - Rodica Matei, Discussion on Elaborating the impasse, the failure and the negative therapeutic reaction in the analysis of narcissistic patients by Daniela Luca / Savca Victor

Abstract: Daniela’s paper carries us to the outer limits of the psychoanalytical field, which are the most prolific ones for research and the progress of knowledge. As the author demonstrates, the impasse itself is the place where the elaboration begins. Starting with Freud`s impasse concerning the psychoanalytical treatment of the individual with narcissistic traits, Daniela smoothly guides us into the narcissistic patients’ world, starting with the dawns of psychic life into the depths of countertransference, presumed by the working technique with such aspects of personality. Read more

Keywords: fara

12 - Brîndușa Orășanu, Discussion sur Rêve, échange interanalytique et fin de traitement de Françoise Coblence / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only Read more

Keywords: fara

16 - Daniela Luca, On Landscapes of the Dark. History, Trauma, Psychoanalysis, by Jonathan Sklar / Savca Victor

Abstract: Reading a contemporary psychoanalytic book on trauma, after over 100 years since Freud wrote about it in his personal correspondence with Fliess, is an experience of re-viewing and re-thinking the author’s theoretical background and of re-analysing his clinical cases. It is also an experience of coming in contact again, from so many perspectives, with what individual/collective traumas, traumatic events, and traumatisms mean to you, both as human beings and as analysts. Read more

Keywords: fara

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