Volume VII, no. 1 - 2014 (15)

Gabriel Balaci, Editorial / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. Un des points d’intérêt majeur de la psychanalyse a été et est toujours le rêve. De nombreuses discussions et disputes dans le champ de la psychanalyse se sont tissées autour du rêve. Read more

Keywords: fara

1 - Gabriel Balaci, Dépersonnalisation – Revue française de psychanalyse 2013/4- Vol.77 / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. Un état de dépersonnalisation-déréalisation, car les deux sont souvent vécus ensemble, se caractérise par la sensation d’être étranger à soi-même et l’impression que l’environnement qui est très connu et dans lequel on se trouve est bizarre, irréel, totalement inconnu, comme si l’on vivait dans un rêve ou dans une autre dimension. Read more

Keywords: fara

2 - Daniela Irimia, Discussion on From emotional flattening and plain Schizophrenia to fantastic pseudology by Simona Trifu și Camelia Petcu / Savca Victor

Abstract: The presence of a psychiatric case study brings to our attention the serious pathology, which in this case originates in the heavy repeated abuse at an early age by the patient’s parents. Read more

Keywords: fara

3 - Daniela Irimia, Discussion on Simonetta Diena`s paper Workshop on Dream Interpretation / Savca Victor

Abstract: I am thankful to Simonetta Diena for giving us the privilege to have a working-group, like in a Bionian theory and method, on dreams, oneiric material and art. This method of working together with dreams, proposed by Simonetta, reminds me of Antonino Ferro`s theory about the bi-personal analytic field, co-created by the analyst and analysand, in the consulting room. In this conference room, all together, with Simonetta Diena and her patient, we are creating a group-analytic field, working with the dreams described and written by the analyst. Read more

Keywords: fara

4 - Daniela Luca, Du pseudo-rêve au rêve-ville interne, en passant par ses voies (clés) d’interprétation, Discussion sur Le rêve – «voie royale» ou rocade ? d'Alfred Dumitrescu / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. Je remercie mon collègue, Alfred Dumitrescu, pour le défi que constitue la discussion de son exposé, défi lancé d’emblée au lecteur/public, le mot d’esprit et la problématisation scientifique faisant d’emblée partie de son style ; son discours oral/écrit en porte la marque, qui rend ce discours si reconnaissable par ceux d’entre nous qui le lisons/écoutons depuis de nombreuses années (du XXe mais aussi du XXIe siècle), sans manquer d’en être chaque fois surpris. Read more

Keywords: fara

5 - Daniela Luca,To be or not to be able to dream and to paint, Discussion on Ilany Kogan's paper Dreams and Creative Activity – The Bridge to the Unconscious / Savca Victor

Abstract: First of all, I wish to express all my gratitude and my appreciation for Ilany Kogan and for her passion (in the Bion meaning of the term) for the psychoanalytical work on dreaming, painting, living, and being. Her paper, so rich and so open-minding to reverie and thinking, reminds me, from the beginning to the end, the Marion Milner`s book About not being able to paint, but I dare to say that the Ilany`s paper is a reflection on how it could be possible, in the analytic cure, to transform (again in the Bionian view) the impossible dream and creativity, into a mature way of being, thinking and creating. Read more

Keywords: fara

6 - Gabriel Balaci, L'humour et le deuil comme modalités de séparation et transformation de l'objet / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. The center of each analysis is the transferential relationship that starts with actions typical of humor and ends with a process of separation between the analysand and the analyst, in other words mourning. If we look at the transference without considering therapeutic knowledge, we can see a relationship that develops between two people, at least one of them being an adult. In this relationship, one of them (the patient) imposes the other (the therapist) various roles, which he has to accept. I am comparing this game to humor, because just as it happens with humor, the patient disregards the characteristics of the object (of the therapist) as a whole, associating negative or non-related characteristics to the person of the therapist, which are nevertheless imposable detrimentally to his overall personality, according to the patient’s representations. When separating from the object we are obliged to differentiate from the object, i.e. de-identify, which we achieve through mourning, but also through humor. In my article I set myself to highlight similarities, as well as the correspondence between humor and mourning, which are two facets of the symbolization process that operates in the object relationship. Read more

Keywords: humor, mourning, symbolization, transference

7 - Dr. Simona Trifu, Dr. Camelia Petcu, From emotional flattening and simple Schizophrenia to Pseudologia fantastica / Savca Victor

Abstract: The present case report refers to a child who has been living in an oneiric-fantastic subculture, populated by believes in magic, witches, spells, and the power of curses. Stubbornness, as a distinctive personality trait, has turned into a structure of defence against maternal beliefs, stubbornness which, over the years, became extremely rigid, inflexible and maladaptive. As key elements of psychopathology, the patient presents symptoms from the negative area, such as poor hygiene, apathy, avolition in terms of social and occupational functioning, with a hyperbulia selectively targeted within the force she uses to oppose her parents. We suggest psychodynamic discussions over the existence of a disharmonic structuring of personality from the schizotypal register, but fingerprinted with a regional, cultural, histrionic halo, with decompensations from an atypical register, which involves impairment of social and occupational functioning, by emphasizing trends such as infantile stubbornness, which may take the form of self-destruction. We are raising suspicions over meta-simulation elements, such as Münchausen syndrome by proxy, regardless of the psychiatric diagnosis given in longitudinal development. Read more

Keywords: atypical structure, hysteria, Münchausen syndrome, psychotic functioning, stubbornness, sub-culture, super-simulation

8 - Fanny Dargent, Corps scarifié et cruauté de l’expérience adolescente / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. In the past decade, the spread of incision practices (skin perforation) in adolescents comes from a sociological and psychopathological reality. Based on the clinical experience gained in a hospitalization unit and in an ambulatory for adolescents, we propose reflecting upon the processes involved in this form of bodily injury. If the notion of cruelty is normally used to describe actions of various practices of voluntary skin incision/ perforation, the role played by the reminiscence of infantile cruelty, namely the cruelty that would go back to the effects of a cruel/tyrannical superego, is more and more difficult to identify. Cruelty first lies in the experience of adolescence when the child does not manage to preserve a space for thinking absence and desire. Turning to acting out and to the body paradoxically attempts to ensure a sense of narcissistic continuity towards the experience of inner domination and driving break-in. The cruel gesture cools down the hatred enhanced through the experience of puberty and the inability to let go of the first objects of love. Injuring the body comes from a paradoxical attempt to inscribe and erase sexual identity. The cruelty of the gesture, of narcissistic essence, is a precarious solution that aims at freezing driving and identifying movements. Read more

Keywords: adolescence, body, cruelty, incision, paradox, writing

9 - Jacques Andre, Faces of hate / Savca Victor

Abstract: Although the hate supports the self-conservative aggressiveness, it is distinguished from it. From the clinical experience point of view, this article attempts to distinguish faces of the hate. The Oedipal hate is objectal, it relates to the murder of a rival. This is hate that implies three persons and it is relative: the hate of the one is the measure of the love of another. The turning into its opposite are always possible, which makes the loved one day to be the hated tomorrow, and vice versa. The borderline hate is egotic and narcissistic, it is searching for the killing, the extermination, much more than murder. The hated one is less an object than a foreign for the Ego, in my opinion, an intruder, and an invader, someone who threatens the territorial integrity, which encroaches on the borderline. Read more

Keywords: cruelty, face, hate, homosexuality, narcissisms

10 - Gianina Micu, Dream between symptom and metaphor – forms of symbolization / Savca Victor

Abstract: Even since the fundamental book of psychoanalysis, Dreams interpretation, 1900, Sigmund Freud considered that the symbol has a universal value, and E. Jones added in 1919 the difference between the conscious symbol and the unconscious symbol. Enlightening the unconscious wish, the primitive anguish, the archaic conflicts, dreams could be often a metaphoric working through of them, but sometimes they could be also a symptomatic manifestation. In the analytic cure, the patient records his or her significant dreams, he or she is elaborating the nightmares or those dreams that produce pain and grief, and anguish, dreams that exceed the capacity of dreaming or of reverie, as we could find in the works of H. Segal, or Bion or Ogden. Some dreams are reflections of the psychotic aspects or foreclosed contains of the patients personality, other dreams are from the neurotic parts of the patients personality. During the analytic process, of the working together on the day-dreams and night-dreams, the analyst could know and could making known to the analysand the unconscious aspect of his/her mind, and even of the analytic relationship. Read more

Keywords: dream, fantasy, latent language, metaphorical function, symbolisation

11 - Simonetta Diena, Workshop on Dream Interpretation / Savca Victor

Abstract: In this workshop I am going to deal with the clinical use of dreams, what is called working with dreams, that is the analytical ability to constantly fluctuate between investigation and reverie in the dream analysis. The workshop consists of an introductory theoretical part and a second part in which oneiric texts brought by the workshop facilitator and the participants will be discussed. We will start from the Traumdeutung, in an attempt to highlight Freud’s original thought as well as the developments and later openings in the evolution of psychoanalytical thought, and arrive as far as Bion’s theory of the dream as an emotional experience in which conscious material is transformed into oneiric material, with the analyst shifting his/her attention from the content of the dream to what has generated it. In particular, the workshop will focus on how the Traumdeutung establishes and develops what later will be the fundamental model of the psychoanalytic theory of interpretation, i.e. interpreting an event means giving a meaning to it through a particular method, consisting primarily in free associations and fluctuating attention. In discussing the oneiric texts, special attention will be given to the identification of the basic mechanisms of dream-work: overdetermination or condensation; displacement, figurability or dramatization; decondary revision. The dream interpretation will try to point out: The patient’s own psychodynamic elements; Elements regarding the transferencial and counter-transferential vicissitude of the analysis; Specific elements pertaining to the hic et nunc of the session and of the analysis (Why that dream right now?); Elements making it possible to identify the process of dream-work (see above). Movie clips and literary fragments relating to the material will be shown during the seminar. Read more

Keywords: fara

12 - Alfred Dumitrescu, Le Rêve: Voie Royale ou Boulevard Périphérique / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. Based on the interrogation regarding the substantiality of the dream statute as “royal road” to the patient’s unconscious contents in a context defined by the increasingly relational orientation of contemporary psychoanalysis through the prevalence of limit-pathologies in current psychoanalytic clinic, the author resorts to a brief incursion in the history of dream psychoanalytic approaches and then asks a number of questions which he considers to be timely both for theory and the analyst’s daily clinic for his working space: - Do we (still) need a psychoanalytic theory of the dream? - How could such a theory relate to recent data of neuroscience? - What is left of “the technique of dream interpretation” as indispensable element of the analysts’ theoretical and practical training element? Read more

Keywords: contemporary psychoanalysis, dream imagery, dream interpretation, historical and cultural context, manifest content, the dream as a hologram of the inner universe

13 - Ilany Kogan, Dreams and Creative Activity - The Bridge to the Unconscious / Savca Victor

Abstract: In this essay I wish to explore the elaboration of dreams and the elaboration of creative activity in treatment as a bridge to the unconscious. Through their creativity, as well as through their dreams, patients attempt to externalise aspects of themselves, and their object representations, as well as the interaction with these objects in their unconscious fantasies. The elaboration of creative activity is similar to that of dreams. I will illustrate my thesis with material taken from one of my case studies (from my recently published book Canvas of Change: Analysis through the Prism of Creativity, 2012). My patient used her creative impulse to search for her unconscious fantasies and conflicts through her paintings and poems. I will describe the collaborative exploration of the patient’s dreams as well as of her artistic works in various phases of the treatment. Read more

Keywords: fara

14 - Rodica Matei, Frances Tustin – Autisme et protection / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. Frances Tustin est psychanalyste, une des premières psychothérapeutes de l’enfant, au début des années 1950. Elle a pratiqué la psychothérapie avec des autistes pendant nombreuses années. Son activité avec les enfants souffrant d’autisme est marquée par la compréhension psychanalytique et le traitement inspiré par la psychanalyse des états autistiques chez les enfants et les adultes. Read more

Keywords: fara

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