Volume VII, no. 2 - 2014 (15)

Bogdan Sebastian Cuc, Editorial / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only.Read more

Keywords: fara

1 - Rodica Matei, Frances Tustin – Autisme et protection / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. Frances Tustin est psychanalyste, une des premières psychothérapeutes de l’enfant, au début des années 1950. Elle a pratiqué la psychothérapie avec des autistes pendant nombreuses années. Son activité avec les enfants souffrant d’autisme est marquée par la compréhension psychanalytique et le traitement inspiré par la psychanalyse des états autistiques chez les enfants et les adultes. Read more

Keywords: fara

2 - Rodica Matei, Dreaming Impossible Dreams in the Social Space, Discussion on the paper Dreaming the impossible dreams in the analytic space, by Daniela Luca / Savca Victor

Abstract: I read Daniela’s paper on dreams, reverie, Bion… I read how she dreamt about her patient. And of course, the following night, I also dreamt about my patient, David, aged six. Read more

Keywords: fara

3 - Horst Kächele, Alfred Dumitrescu, On Dreams and Dreaming…, Discussion on the paper Dreams as Subject of Psychoanalytical Treatment Research / Savca Victor

Abstract: “Could you please introduce the discussion of a dream in your presentation?”…this is probably one phrase that many candidates in psychoanalytic training around the world have heard at least a few times and I believe most of us are quite familiar with the feeling of anxiety it always triggers. Read more

Keywords: fara

4 - Bogdan Sebastian Cuc, La symbolisation primaires – au-delà des mots: le rencontre, Discussion sur La Fonction Intégrative du Rêve, de René Roussillon / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. Je partirai, pour cette discussion de l’exposé du Professeur Roussillon, du processus de symbolisation primaire et je m’attarderai sur quelques questions concernant les conditions et les prémices nécessaires à la réussite de ce processus. Read more

Keywords: fara

5 - Matei Georgescu, Prometheus, the Angel and the Analyst - Comment on the article: The Three Dreams of Samuelle the Angel, the Owl and Homosexuality, by Irene Talaban / Savca Victor

Abstract: The thread of the paper carries us to perennial benchmarks of psycho¬analysis, namely to the structure of the dream function. K. W. Dream, science of dreams, function of the dream, the prospective dimension of the dream. Read more

Keywords: fara

6 - Irena Talaban, Les trois rêves de Samuela / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. The article presents some footage on three dreams of a 17 year old girl. Based on various criteria of dream interpretation, the article proposes the hypothesis that the dream would be a search for a solution and that it would have a predictive dimension. An old Talmudic observation says that a dream not interpreted is like a letter unread. The article raises a number of questions regarding the criteria of dream interpretation according to different theories. Read more

Keywords: fara

7 - Rita Teodoru, Talking about the Psychic Change in Terms of Need, Desire and Capacity / Savca Victor

Abstract: Attempts to measure the “moti¬vation for change” as a predictor of success or failure in psychotherapy are not warranted. The concept of motivation is useful if one looks in detail at the hierarchy of motives, from conscious to unconscious, from conflict-free to primitive, drive-determined for¬ces, at any given stage of psycho¬therapy. Doing so will help distin¬guish wishesto continue experiencing the real and fantasied satisfactions of psycho¬therapy from wishes to bring about change in oneself. When careful diagnosis makes it possible to calibrate treatment goals to an accurate assessment of the patient’s capacity to change, failure to meet those goals can then be explained in terms of treatment methods and techniques, instead of blaming the patient for a supposed lack of motivation to recover. Read more

Keywords: fara

8 - Françoise Neau, Figures et paradoxes de la cruauté en psychanalyse / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. Cruelty, which is not a psychoanalytic concept, appears in different figures in Freud's work. It is first taken in the sexual current, as ephemeral “cruelty drive”, in part, or as a “predisposition” for easy cruel children, which must be contained and suppressed by morality and culture work, before appearing as cruelty of the obsessive neurotic, or as cruelty of the superego in melancholia. Will it loose from this sexual current, under the influence of narcissism, into a form, if not a figure of the death drive, or an excess of destructiveness? The concept of cruelty takes at least his “analysand” values from these Freudian trials, which leads to emphasizing its proximity, but also to its differenciation from the grip, sadism, hatred and destructiveness. Read more

Keywords: fara

9 - Dominique Suchet, Passionnément, quand la folie sˈinvite dans la cure / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. In the analyst’s way of listening, the words are losing their commu-nicational value, both those heard and those that unfold in the analyst, in his intimacy. They are imme¬diately decom¬posed and recom¬posed, according to the rules of the work of prototypical dream of the primary process, when thoughts of different kinds break, move and assemble, when sleep sets in and protects the formation of dream images. Different and simultaneous temporal levels, manifest and latent spaces, interspersed levels of memories, emo-tions, representations, transferences are de-condensing and assembling, accor¬ding to other laws imposed by the combined unconscious infantile desire forces and by censorship. Read more

Keywords: fara

10 - Daniela Luca, Dreaming the Impossible Dreams in the Analytic Space / Savca Victor

Abstract: In the analytic space, which is a co-felt, co-created, co-thought space, both the analyst and the analysand, the dreaming and the reverie are present, session by session, if – as W. R. Bion, Th. Ogden, A. Ferro remind us – the emotional experience is possible, if the dream could be dreamt, unconsciously or consciously, if being able of analysing means internalizing the analytic function – a thinking, dreaming function, of creating a mental and psychic life. The undreamt dreams, the dreams impossible to be represented or thought are also present there and then, in the analytic space-time, as “void-thoughts” or sense impressions (“beta-elements”), and they make us unable of reverie, of internal creativity, alone in the presence of the other. From the impossible dream to dreaming into a continuum of being, the analysis is holding us, separately and together, from the beginning till the end. Read more

Keywords: fara

11 - Horst Kächele, Dreams as Subject of Psychoanalytical Treatment Research / Savca Victor

Abstract: This paper will focus on the last of the six functions and will – by providing three empirical illustrations – point to the rather meager attention given to dream reports in treatment research. When we speak about dreams in psychoanalytic therapy, we tend to think of a specific dream; quite rarely it is considered that the repeated commu¬nication of dreams belongs to the core features, especially of psychoanalyic therapies. How else could one under¬stand that an expert panel of North-American psycho-analysts places this feature on rank one of a list of features that discriminates a “psycho¬analytic prototype” from prototypes of other psychotherapies. (Ablon & Jones 2005). Read more

Keywords: fara

12 - Brîndușa Orășanu, Création du temps dans le rêve et dans le processus psychanalytique / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. The paper starts from a vignette containing a dream recounted in two sessions, a dream that consists of two parts. Developing Freudian ideas and those of other authors with respect to time, the author suggests that the feeling of time is not only related to external, objective time, or to the perception of one’s own psychic acti¬vities, but that it also includes an entire anti-traumatic process of figuration, re¬pre¬sentation, dramatiza¬tion and histo¬ricization of the experience, amounting to a real creation. The après-coup phe-nomenon that appears in several levels of time is invoked: between sessions, between the present and the distant past, between parts of the same dream. The dream is presented as a sample for illustrating subjectivity and trauma, as a sample for illustrating the need for psychic work. Read more

Keywords: fara

13 - David Tuckett, Dreaming the Session: Some Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique / Savca Victor

Abstract: In this paper I will explore what is that happens when a patient lies down on a couch and a Psychoanalyst sits behind. What does it mean if we say the patient then associates freely and the analyst listens to and then occasionally talks to the patient about the patient? I want to revisit the fundamental concepts of free association, resistance, transfe¬rence, countertransference and enac¬tment to discuss why it may be useful to say that the patient and the psycho¬analyst dream the session and what this means. What are the key issues that arise if we try to understand this process and where might the difficulties lie? Read more

Keywords: fara

14 - René Roussillon, La Fonction Intégrative du Rêve / Savca Victor

Abstract: This article is available in French only. My reflections on the dream part in what is one of my areas of clinical exploration in psychoanalysis, the narcissistic-identity issues and their psychoanalytic treatment. What is placed at the heart of their cure is the matter of integrating the narcissistic trauma and particularly the integration of the early narcissistic trauma, which we are to discuss further below. Their psychic inscription was made at a time before the domination and organization under the primacy of verbal language. Therefore, those who are marked by forms of repetition “beyond the pleasure principle” and largely fail to enroll in it. Read more

Keywords: fara

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