Volume VIII, no. 2 - 2015 (15)

EDITORIAL, Gianina Micu / Gianina Micu

Abstract: Therefore, the section Theoretical and clinical psychoanalysis, unmodified, follows the topic of this year’s first issue - Impasse, crisis and working-through, connecting this issue with the series of articles previously published. I would like to add a personal comment to what was already said in the previous editorial regarding the topic of impasse and working-through, a comment that is appropriate for this celebration of 25 years since the foundation of the Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis.Read more

Keywords: fara


Abstract: The paper is an attempt to establish a connection between the analyst’s ethics and the analytic method, a connection that emphasizes the notion of ethics in relation to the notion of method. The specific temporal dimension of psychoanalytic ethics indicates a back and forth process in relation to the method: after a movement to transgress analytic thinking, the ethical process consists in a movement to return to analytic thinking. The moments of impasse imply an implicit and explicit reflection from the part of the analyst on the limits of his method, so they imply an ethical process like the one proposed in this work. This is illustrated by the excerpt from J. D. Salinger’s book ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ in which the hero changes his mind and by a clinical vignette from a paper of Dominique Scarfone. Read more

Keywords: ethics, specificity, method. Transgression, ethical process, return to analytic thinking


Abstract: Social trauma, with a specific reference to the Soviet occupation, the enforcement of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the struggle for survival during the "Golden Age", produces splits, even fractures in the sense of belonging to a family history, of continuing or discon-tinuing a tradition, but preserving psychic suffering as landmark of contemporary Romania has origins in our predecessors' traumas, unspoken or unthought, namely not worked-through. The analytic treatment faces an impasse, in the extent to which these traumas are activated. The analyst is faced with the patient's stringent need to regain his identity and family tradition in order to heal transgenerational suffering. In analysis of social phenomena reveals spontaneous attempts to recover this connection, broken by social trauma. The activation of these processes may lead to an impasse in the cure, especially if it activates the same traumatic nucleus in the therapist. We hereby propose methods of approaching this impasse so that the patient may resume his development process. Read more

Keywords: identity landmarks, transgenerational transmission, social trauma, Ideal Ego, restoring continuity.


Abstract: A model of the dissociative mind could have a transformative poten-tial for the way we concepttualize mental processes. With respect to dissociation many of the basic notions of psychoanalysis have a different meaning. For examaple, the structural model postulates the tripartite unit of the Ego, the Id, and the Superego, all of them being in a dynamic conflict. This model, which implies a unitary, cohesive self, could appear differrently in the dissociative paradigm. The para-digm of the dissociative mind could fill the empty gap between neurosis and psychosis in classical paradigm. In line with these ideas, even the notions of sanity and mental illness could be subjected to revision. Read more

Keywords: dissociative mind, trauma, health-pathology continuum, analytic relationship


Abstract: Mental development is not linear. Each stage is configured depending on the previous stage but also on the relational, narcissistic regime, that of psyche-soma continuity, somatic accommodations, transgenerational and cultural registration. This paper presents 4 diagrams with 4 determinants of psychic development with the intention of achieving a holistic view of the human psyche in its becoming. Read more

Keywords: psychogenesis, drive, archaic ego, object relationship, narcissism, communication from unconscious to unconscious, psychic skin, erogenous body, anaclisis

5 - Michel Vincent - Early insomnia: insomnia during the first six month of life / Michel Vincent

Abstract: Early insomnia in a six months old infant born to young parents is un-derstood by reference to narcissism, a psycho-analytic concept intro-duced by S. Freud and later deve-loped to make sense of a variety of pathologies. Consultation with a psychoanalyst is the treatment to cure the anxiety responsible for the pain. Read more

Keywords: early insomnia, anxiety, narcissism

6 - Luis Rodríguez de la Sierra y Escobar - The “Sweet” dreams of children / Luis Rodríguez de la Sierra y Escobar

Abstract: Starting from several examples of dreams reported by children pa-tients, the author examines the evo-lution of psychoanalytic theories re-garding dreams: S. Freud, A. Freud, M. Klein, S. Ferenczi, Kohut, Lacan, Winnicott, Erikson and concludes on the dynamics and economy of dream interpretation in the therapeutic pro-cess emphasizing their impor¬tance in transference, repetition (of trauma), recollection and working-through. Read more

Keywords: dream, children’s dreams, free association, interpretation technique, manifest content, latent content, recollection, traumatic dream

7 - Ilany Kogan - Trauma and symbolization – my mother, myself / Ilany Kogan

Abstract: The author explores the traumatic impact of growing up as a replacement child to parents who were Holocaust survivors. Using a case study in which the patient was a replacement child for parents who each lost a child during the Holocaust, the author examines the damage to the child’s ego functions (thinking abilities and reality testing) and emotional develop¬ment. Analysis consisted of an attempt to understand the meaning of the parents’ trauma¬tization, to the parents as well as to the child, the way it shaped the parent-child relationship, and the impact it had upon the character structure of the child. The author then deals with some of the transference and counter¬trans¬ference problems encountered in the analysis, and particularly with the unique counter-transference problems re¬sul¬ting from the special situation created by patient and analyst belonging to the same traumatised large group. The patient showed great resis¬tance to getting in touch with feelings of shame and guilt connected to her aggressive wishes that she uncon-sciously linked to the atrocities of the past. The therapist colluded with the patient in the attempt to avoid threatening feelings, which in both their minds were connected to Holocaust imagery. Only by wor-king through her feelings could the therapist realise that her appre-hension was permeating the thera-peutic rela¬tionship and hindering the patient’s progress. She could then dis-identify herself from the Jewish-victim and Nazi-perpe¬trator images and recover her analytic function. As a result of the analytic experience, the patient’s perception of reality and sense of psychic sanity were strengthened and her obsessive symptoms were transformed into creative activity. Read more

Keywords: traumatic Holocaust experiences, mother's trau¬ma¬tization, replacement child, hidden truths, split in the ego

8 - Jacques André - Ego analysable …? / Jacques André

Abstract: What could “Ego analysis” mean? The Ego, described by Freud as “first and foremost a body-ego“, could this primitive Ego continue its life beyond the developments and transformations whose object it is? The Ego’s transformation into an object of love (and hate), by means of narcissism, inevitably raises the issue of unconscious Ego and its analysis. The setting plays a privileged role in the analysis of the Ego. Read more

Keywords: body, narcissism, unconscious Ego, psychosomatic, setting

9 - Georgiana Dobrescu - Love as desire, conflict and Oedipal development / Georgiana Dobrescu

Abstract: The author tried to outline the way in which the feeling of love appears and develops during lifetime. Thus, the relationship between a mother and her baby can be described as a relationship in which attachment, sensuality and mirroring exist. Later in adolescence, romantic love can be described by a lot of idealization and high expectations and values. In adult life, the feeling of love becomes more complex and conflictual: the aggression is mixed with sexuality, empathy and generosity coexist with control and power. There are needs for fusion, for transgressing the boundaries between one’s own self and the others, but there are also needs for separation and autonomy. All these states are required in order for Oedipal development and a good separation to occur, in order to know one’s own limits, qualities, values and so on. In this journey, the author carefully examined the work of poets, the analytical perspective regarding the feeling of love was therefore intertwined with poetical views. Read more

Keywords: love, Oedipal develop¬pment, attachment, aggression, sexual desire, self, others

10 - Simonetta Diena - Emptiness in bulimia: clinical vicissitudes and theoretical implications / Simonetta Diena

Abstract: This work illustrates the analytical therapy of a bulimic and obese patient. The viewpoint I would like to put forward relates to the specificity of the analytical work with this type of patients. These patients seem to live in a psychic reality where the mental representations of the emotions they have experienced are missing. And they are not able to recognize the full meaning of their emotional experience. Although these aspects are peculiar to all eating disorders and can be present in very different personality structures, the specificity of bulimic disorders would seem to be that they silence emotions (especially rage, sadness and a sense of inadequacy) through food. The intake of excessive quantities of food creates a condition of numbness which, by dulling the senses, modifies the perception of psychic and emotional reality creating an addiction similar to that of drug taking. Food becomes therefore the tool through which one can withdraw into a narcissistic retreat, devoid of emotions and meanings, and the obese body becomes a prison inaccessible to oneself and the others. The patient reconstruction of the cumulative micro-traumas of these patients during the analytical therapy promotes the transfor-mations of the emotional experience from non-mentalized traumatic vicissitudes to emotions capable of sustaining their mental repre-sentation, and restores not so much the knowledge of the experience as the emotional truth of the traumas suffered (Grotstein, 2009). Read more

Keywords: eating disorder, bulimia, mental representation, obesity, cumulative microtrauma

11 - Danielle Quinodoz - Theban parents, Corinthian parents: the dichotomisation of Oedipus’ parents / Danielle Quinodoz

Abstract: Oedipus myth illustrates the failure of Oedipus to work-through his complex: Oedipus has fulfilled his unconscious wishes, he has killed his father and married his mother. What role did the affects play in this failure? For the author, the fact that Oedipus has two parental couples, parents from Thebes who abandon him and parents from Corinth who adopt him, has a universal phan-tasmatic significance: the dicho¬tomi-sation avoids setting the terms of the conflict and prevents its working-through. Through clinical illustrations the author shows that this dichotomisation of the parental imago corresponds to a dichoto-misation of affects. Just like in the case of Little Hans, the integration of affects requires the patient to acknowledge as important the existence of the father during childhood in order to become aware that “the father whom he could not help hating as a rival was the same father whom he had always loved”. Read more

Keywords: Oedipus complex, inte¬gration of affects, splitting, dicho¬tomisation of affects, abandonment, adoption, parental imago

12 - Matei Georgescu - Keep on being brother with the devil even after you you have crossed the bridge: radical forms of sibship in its social beginning / Matei Georgescu

Abstract: Starting from the issue of the diabolical in psychoanalysis, evoking the mythological and folkloric themes, by means of a short illustration, through the relation between the Oedipus complex and fraternal relationships, using the theory of social beginning, we attempt to explore the archaic dimensions of sibship. Read more

Keywords: Oedipus complex, fraternal complex, diabolical, Narcissus, social beginning


Abstract: We speak today about a multidimensional perspective that explores different factors that influence the apparition of bulimia like sociocultural factors, personality traits, family dynamics, genetic and biological factors. The researchers agree that the motivation to have an appearance that conforms to the present standards of thinness that drives these patients to follow restrictive diets which in their turn elicit bulimic behaviours cannot stand as the only cause of apparition of the onset of bulimia. Read more

Keywords: fara

14 - Brînduşa Orăşanu - BOOK REVIEW Moving Images Psychoanalytic Reflections on Film by Andrea Sabbadini / Brînduşa Orăşanu

Abstract: Throughout the book, we see how the author provides parenthesis, offering general considerations that go beyond the actual topic and use the film as if to retrieve analytical thinking, while maintaing a close relationship between psychoanalysis and film. I'll start with them. Read more

Keywords: fara

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