Abstract: With respect to the idea of pluralism in psychoanalysis, a theme broadlydebated in the psychoanalytic scientific community, a subject of more orless rich controversies between the representatives of variouspsychoanalytic movements, I would subscribe to the opinion according towhich it has its origin in no other than Sigmund Freud’s way of thinking(Ghunter, Perdigao, 2007), him being himself preoccupied with extractinghis observations from the multifaceted clinical experience and withadjusting and conforming his theoretical ideas accordingly, evenrepeatedly revising his own theory.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only.
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Abstract: In his paper, “Psychoanalysis in / and development”, Thijs de Wolfleads with elegance, between biology and psychology, from psychoanalysisto psychopathology, from the attachment theory to internal workingmodels and further to mentalisation.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only.
Winnicott invites us, in 1947, to workthrough the countertransference and thusto have access to the hate feelings that ourpatients inspire in us. Winnicott is quiteclear: the analyst could help his patientsrecognise their hate drives with onecondition: to recognise beforehand inhimself his own hate drives, in his ownwork analysis. To work through theprimitive elements, here is an honest deal:to transform your hate in exchange forunderstanding and the capacity to bear theother’s hate. The process of sublimation isin the core of “working through thecountertransference” itself. So, what thiswork is displacing seems to be like “theabsence of a direct response to the patient’stransference”. Winnicott sets forth acontemporary way of thinking the analyticwork, because the capacity to bear anegative transference and a negativecountertransference is always a verycomplicated moment to work through in the analytic cures. With the study ofMedeea, we found an absolute form of hate– the dis-symbolisant hate. Medeea help usunderstand how the hate of life drives(represented here by the children) isoriginated in the hate of oneself.
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Abstract: The practice of psychoanalysis places theanalyst on strong pressures – the analystworks alone in the consulting room in amedium of isolation, he has to bepermanently open to what is coming fromthe patient, he is emotionally affected byhis patients and he has the responsibility tokeep and maintain professional boundariesof this relationship. Hate incountertransference could generate aparticular conflict in the analyst – conflictbetween his need to repair, to help hispatient, and the hate he feels toward thepatient. There is another side ofpsychoanalysis as a profession, in additionto the clinical practice –the psychoanalyticinstitutions. Intolerance to diversity,dogmatism and the proneness to schismcan be seen as institutional symptoms. Some authors offer explanations fromdifferent perspectives – political,sociological, and even religious. The author suggests that in order to understandconflicts in psychoanalytic institutions onemust take into account the anonymouspsychoanalytic patient who maintains thepsychoanalysis as a profession, and arguethat hate in countertransference could beseen as one of the sources of conflictbetween colleagues.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only.
Pluralism in psychoanalysis is a given fact,undoubtfully related to various factorsamong which cultural and theoreticaldiversity. This diversity is connectedpartially to the psychic complexity whilealso raising the issue of adaptations,reformulations, adjustements that approachthe matter of its identity and threaten itsdefinition - even if thus the diversityenriches psychoanalysis. I propose to reflectupon what can be termed as a fundamentalnucleus of psychoanalysis that observes thecomplexity of the psychic life and thediversity of the clinical landscape withwhich the psychonalytic practice isconfronted.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only.
Taking into account the importance of thestake of pluralism in theory, practice,ethics and training in currentpsychoanalysis, the paper sets forth toclarify the notion of pluralism and set itout not in terms of movement, but inchapters of psychoanalytical theory andpractice. In the second part we will analyze a theoretical-clinical axis significant to thetheory of object relation, to the importanceof the object in establishing the subject andthe consequences of this theory in the psychoanalytical practice:The axis Freud-Ferenczi-Winnicott-Laplanche along with the destiny of the theory of seduction.
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Abstract: The death drive is a psychoanalyticalconcept that was apprehensivelyacknowledged by the psychoanalyticalworld, despite the fact that Freud, ever sincethe moment he stated it, refused to everquestion it again. Melanie Klein embracedthe concept, but only developed it withinher own theory, while the concept wasrestored to the psychoanalytical world in itsentire complexity by André Green. Thepsychoanalytical practice faces regressivesituations in which the field of drives is atthe disposal of the course of therapy and itsprotagonists (therapist and patient) inwhich the "fusion – defusion" couple(“liaison – déliaison”) finds itsconfirmation as well as its theoretical value.
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Abstract: This paper sets forth the idea thatcreativity, symbolism and play arereflected in the analytical relationship ascentral developmental concepts belongingto the transitional space. They take place ina space between inside and outside,between subjective and objective. It allbegins with an idea that appears, a prethoughtthat is expressed, being nurturedor damaged, by means of words. Depending on the safety of this creativearea one can play with ideas, try out newways of expression and more fluid ways ofthinking can occur giving birth to newideas or further symbolism.
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Abstract: The paper looks into the contradictionbetween the theory of technique andclinical practice at Freud and presents atotally different Freud and not animpersonal, abstinent, neutralpsychoanalyst, a master of transferenceand resistances, expectances inspired bythe classical model of psychoanalysis. Aquestion thus arises: Was Freud in factFreudian? As any brilliant personality, thefounder of psychoanalysis wascontradictory in his statements, this beingone of the roots of pluralism inpsychoanalysis.
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Abstract: The paper suggests the following: how doesthe couple therapist-patient look like in theepitome frustration/ gratification and theconsequences that the closed model of themind has on the patient; is it an enactmentof an amendable error or is it an inevitableconsequence of the subconsciousinteraction between the two actants? Theanswer refers to the way in which apsychoanalytical healing attitude can bebuilt within the context of contemporarypsychoanalysis.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only
Even if, as a follower of the Freudian path,Jacques Lacan takes over initial concepts -isolated by this one - and transforms theminto foundations of psychoanalysis, even ifhe recongnizes the genius of his master,his models, theoretical and culturalreferences, the methodology of thepsychoanalytic practice differssignificantly from those employed byFreud and his students. Can we thereforespeak about pluralism in psychoanalysis orare there several psychoanalysis fields?We question here the mutations thatappeared between Freud and Lacan,especially with respect to various domainsthat influenced their work. Medicine,biology, painting in S.Freud's case,modern mathematics, theology, philosophy,poetry, literature, anthropology for J.Lacanallowed each to advance and enrichpsychoanalysis.
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Abstract: This paper focuses on the concept of“development” presenting behaviour asthe result of a complex interaction betweennature and nurture, between geneticvulnerability and early object relations. The author underlines that at the end ofdevelopment the individual has developedthe capacity to contemplate him/herselfand others in psychological terms andshe/he has constructed an internal workingmodel on the basis of which they arecapable of organizing their environmentand anticipating what will happen in thefuture, functioning autonomously and nolonger being dependent on the presence ofothers.
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