
Executive Editor Georgiana Dobrescu (Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis, Elias University Hospital) Editor-in-chief Sorinel Mocanu (Romanian College of Psychologists, Bucharest) Associate Editors Gabriela Măgureanu (Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis, Bucharest) in charge of promoting the journal; in charge of indexing databases Editorial Board Gabriel Balaci (Vasile Goldis Western University of Arad) Rita ...Read more

ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS only receives original articles for publication (in electronic or printed form, in English, French or Romanian) about any psychoanalytic theme. When submitting an article, the author must confirm that the paper has not been published elsewhere and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part, and is intended for sole publication in the Romanian Journal of Psychoanaly...Read more

Peer Review Process Papers published in the ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS are subject to editorial screening and anonymous double-blind peer-review process. They may be reviewed by the Editors, Editorial Board and assigned peer reviewers unless otherwise permitted by the authors. Publication Frequency The journal is published twice a year: in June and December. Submission and confidentiality The submission process i...Read more

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