Abstract: 18 years have passed since the issue of the first publication of theRomanian Society of Psychoanalysis, called Psychoanalysis Bulletin. If theprinceps vocation of a publication is to reflect the group that initiated it,then the shift from its compact form of “bulletin” to the current one of“journal” implicitly takes us back to the historic years of Romania’spsychoanalysis “coming of age”.
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Abstract: Among analysts, S. Freud who invented psycho-analysis is an impressive example demonstrating how to change to better understand neuroses and to treat the pain of a variety of disorders: depression, perversion, psychoses, psychosomatics ... which imply a living metapsychology. The couch remains a reference for analytical work, but analysts should prepare themselves to work face to face when required.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only. After a few general observations on theconcept of depression and the mourningscheme described by S. Freud and de K.
Abraham, the depressive semiology indifferent stages of childhood and adolescencewas presented as being related to differentinterconnected psychopathological issues,especially to the question: What can be lostbefore the complete object instauration (canan object be lost before it can be perceived?).
On the other hand, as regards thedepressions of babies or teenagers, if there isnot an etiological, semiological orepidemiological continuity, there isundoubtedly continuity in the plan of theoriginary depressive materials destiny.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only. Addictive behaviours are a nosographiccategory difficult to approach from the pointof view of classical psychoanalysis. Due tothe subject’s poor capacity of psychicelaboration, free association and the access tothe analyst’s interpretations will encounterimportant obstacles during the analyticalwork. The subject’s tendency to “pulverize”affects, which will be crystallized either insomatic or in act, will determine that themain scope of the analytical work will be todevelop the subject’s capacity of psychicelaboration. This work implies a symbolicfusion present in the analytical relationshipand investing the analytical space seen as abodily space for two, where there should beno differentiation involved. Under thesecircumstances, the analyst is likely to beconfronted with a series ofcountertransferential reactions that involveprimary processes in which neutrality gainsa new dimension. The analyst’s narcisism aswell as his/her sense of identity will becomethe object of the patient’s attacks and the wayin which the analyst copes withcountertransference may become a crucialpoint for the development of the patient’scapacity of psychic symbolization. We intendto present a series of clinical vignettesillustrating the role of thecountertransferential aspects in thepsychoanalytical work of the patients whopresent an addictive psychic functioning.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only. The article approaches the issue ofmetaphoric language in the patients'discourse, that have a polymorphicsymtomathology, includingpsychosomatic and addictivemanifestations. This reflection issupported by D Anzieu's perspectives onskin-ego, F. Marty's view concerningoperative thinking, and De M'Uzan'smetaphor in cure. Based on the clinicalillustration in R. Matei's paper, thehypothesis according to whichcountertransferential ≪ fractures ≫ in theanalyst's identity would correspond tofractured areas in the analysand'smetaphorical discourse settles into shape.
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Abstract: A psychoanalyst is placed between the scientific rigour and thesuppleness of art, when keeping the internal frame/setting constant andcontaining enough, flexible and immutable, at the same time, he/she isleaving his/her observatory, participatory spirit free and his/her owncreativity in order to explore, examine, investigate, interrogate his/her own limits facing the psychic reality of the other and of the world (includinghere the area “between psyche and soma”). “Without memory and withoutdesire” (W. R. Bion) – in order to make perceptible the unconsciousmovements from his/her within and without, and from this relationshipanalyst - patient, continuous as a third included or excluded.
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Abstract: This article is available in French only. A reflection on the analytical attitude and the arrangements of the analytical setting with borderline patients. The analytical setting is sustained by the analytical attitude, any arrangement of the setting will be the result of an internal arrangement of the analyst and his/her inner attitude, in the context of the transference-contertransference relation.
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Abstract: This paper is focused on changes inpsychoanalysis from a different angle,namely, looking at that which has reallynot changed as much as we seem to like tobelieve: psychoanalytic concepts. Theauthor presents what has become one of thebest and most cited concepts inpsychoanalysis nowadays: projectiveidentification. Altruistic surrender,identification with the aggressor, puttingpassive into active are different ways ofunderstanding and explaining whatKleinians mean by projective identification.
Today, we have different ways tounderstanding – both in theory and inclinical practice – the biography and thevicissitudes of our concepts.
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Abstract: The point of departure of the article is thedisagreements about theory and techniquein the British Society. Fantasies of being“the owner” of psychoanalytic father ormother are described, for each group. Overtime, the solutions involved institutionalarrangements, then theoretical andtechnical rapprochements between groups.
The over-valuation of one aspect or anothercan lead to exaggerations or diminutions inthe technique which are not suitable for theanalysis. The author illustrates his ideaswith two scenarios, of Winnicotian andKleinian approaches.
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Abstract: Symmetrically thinking, I immediately had in mind thecountertransference and its destiny in Freud’s works, realizing that, in thisregard, the psychoanalysis founder’s thinking couldn’t go beyond a certain point. He couldn’t realize the spectacular revalorization sensed in the caseof transference. The term of countertransference was used for the first timeby Freud in a letter addressed to Jung, in 1909. In a letter from 1913, sent toLudwig Binswanger, Freud underlines that the problem ofcountertransference is one of the most difficult that the psychoanalysistechnique had to face. Freud’s suggestion, which can be found in othershapes throughout his works is quite clear: countertransference must beadmitted and overcome by the analyst, as a successful way of self-control.
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Abstract: Freud refers to the concept of altruism approximately ten times in hiswork, most often in a social or cultural context. In "Thoughts for the Timeson War and Death" he writes: “Throughout an individual's life there is aconstant replacement of external by internal compulsion. The influences ofcivilization cause an ever-increasing transformation of egoistic trends intoaltruistic and social ones by an admixture of erotic elements. In the lastresort, it may be assumed that every internal compulsion which makesitself felt in the development of human beings was originally – that is, inthe history of mankind – only an external one. Those who are born todaybring with them as an inherited organization a certain tendency(disposition) towards the transformation of egoistic instincts into socialones, and this disposition is easily stimulated to bring about that result.”After pointing out that except when in love, "the opposite of egotism,altruism, does not, as a concept, coincide with libidinal object-cathexis", headded, rather laconically, in Civilization and Its Discontents, "thedevelopment of the individual seems to us to be a product of theinteraction between two urges, the urge towards happiness, which weusually call ≪ egoistic ≫, and the urge towards union with others in thecommunity, which we call ≪ altruistic ≫. Neither of these descriptions goesmuch below the surface. In the process of individual development, as wehave said, the main accent falls mostly on the egoistic urge (or the urgetowards happiness); while the other urge, which may be described as a'cultural' one, is usually content with the role of imposing restrictions".
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Abstract: or how the creative Ego writes itself, between psychoanalysis and Zen from Matei Georgescu’s point of view
”The Manner in which something is seen, heard, or cognizedis not what is refuted here, but the conceptualization of its trueappearance, which is the cause of suffering, is rejected here.” (Santideva – The perfection of wisdom)
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Abstract: Any discussion that approaches psychoanalysis can be described using Freud's words that express openness, beyond various contradictions regarding the method: “Psychoanalysis gropes its way forward by the help of experience, is always incomplete and always ready to correct or modify its theories”.
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