Rom J Psychoanal 2018, 11(2):141-148
DOI: 10.2478/rjp-2018-0023

Abstract: For the 10th anniversary since the first issue of The Turkish Annual of Psychoanalysis appeared, it is my honour to now have the opportunity to present it to the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis (RJP). I find this moment to be significant and remarkable, if I were to set it on an axis that places at its starting point the first appearance of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis (IJP), which is, in its turn, celebrating a big anniversary. Because the IJP, by definition the source of the Turkish Annual, as well as of all IJP annuals, founded in 1920 by Ernest Jones under the aegis of Sigmund Freud, is, in 2018-2019, celebrating its centenary as a princeps publication in the international psychoanalytic world.

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