Rom J Psychoanal 2019, 12(1):195-206
DOI: 10.2478/rjp-2019-0010
Abstract: I were prompted to choose one of the core subjects of Solenoid —among a lot of possible interesting ones – I would not hesitate to select the subject of reality. Let’s listen to the author: «What is reality? Which is the visceral and metaphysical drive that transforms what is objective in subjective?» (p. 526). What Cărtărescu names «visceral and metaphysical drive» leads to fear, and this is the reason why he also writes: «I can’t help thinking that reality is just fear in itself, iced fear. I live with fear, I breathe fear, I swallow fear, I will be buried in fear. I pass my fear from one generation to the next, in the same way I received it from my parents and grandparents» (p. 399).