"It was a real pleasure to collaborate with RJP team. It was a nurturing interaction for me in many respects. I am happy that they felt as comfortable as I did. I hope we will have the ote-ultepportunity to meet at international events once Covid conditions are over."
Nilüfer Erdem, Training Analyst, Member of Psike Istanbul (IPA Component Society), Editor of Annuals of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis
February 2021
“I had the pleasure to review articles for the Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis.The articles that I read were all very interesting. I was impressed by the deep psychoanalytical thoughts and the richness of the clinical cases. I enjoyed reading them very much. I am sure that they will inspire your psychoanalytic thoughts and work."
Yael Samuel, Training Analyst- Israel Psychoanalytic Society, Clinical Psychologist
February 2021
“I value the ability of the team, the joy even to establish connections between authors, researchers, and colleagues.”
Daniela Luca
Doctor in Psychoanalysis - Univ. Paris VII, Training Analyst - SRP-IPA, President ARFPP-AG
February 2021
“I would like to endorse the Romanian Psychoanalytical Journal which I consider an excellent publication. I wrote in the RPP and was honored to be invited to review several of the papers. I recommend it warmly.”
Marilia Aisenstein, Paris Psychoanalytical Society, Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society
February 2021
“Collaborating with peer-reviewed journals, or more specifically, the interactions with the people behind them, usually fade from memory quickly. They are a kind of "non-place" of human interactions, areas of sanitized intellectual transit, where you are relieved to have made it past peer reviews, recommendations, feedback regarding tone, evaluations of your skill, and so on.My experience with the "Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis" does not fit this pattern at all. There aren’t many peer-reviewed journals with an impeccable reputation in the academic community which go beyond this intellectual transaction. There is an elegance here, reminiscent of the lost and stimulating tradition of humanism. As if the purveyors of scientific papers were people… ”
Alice Popescu, Lecturer Phd, Titu Maiorescu UniversityUniversity of Bucharest.
February 2021
“It has been a really interesting period to work with the RJP team, as a reviewer. The articles have always been refreshing and thoughts-provoking. So I have learnt a lot and I have often wondered how the rather small and relatively young Romanian Association has been able to publish such a high-quality journal. You have done excellent work. Congratulations!”
Ilpo Lahti, Adjunct professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oulu, Finland
February 2021
Empathie et micro-processus
Author: Savca Victor
Abstract: This article is available in French only
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