Abstract: The author tried to outline the way in which the feeling of love appears and develops during lifetime. Thus, the relationship between a mother and her baby can be described as a relationship in which attachment, sensuality and mirroring exist. Later in adolescence, romantic love can be described by a lot of idealization and high expectations and values. In adult life, the feeling of love becomes more complex and conflictual: the aggression is mixed with sexuality, empathy and generosity coexist with control and power. There are needs for fusion, for transgressing the boundaries between one’s own self and the others, but there are also needs for separation and autonomy. All these states are required in order for Oedipal development and a good separation to occur, in order to know one’s own limits, qualities, values and so on. In this journey, the author carefully examined the work of poets, the analytical perspective regarding the feeling of love was therefore intertwined with poetical views.

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